You've never heard of Chaos theory? Non-linear equations? Strange attractors? Ms. Sattler, I refuse to believe you're not familiar with the concept of attraction.
Michael CrichtonHuman intelligence was more trouble than it was worth. It was more destructive than creative, more confusing than revealing, more discouraging than satisfying, more spiteful than charitable.
Michael CrichtonI can tell you that second hand smoke is not a health hazard to anyone and never was, and the EPA has always known it.
Michael CrichtonPersonally, I don't deal much in theory. I have to deal with the facts. And on the basis of facts, I don't see much difference in the behavior of men and women.
Michael CrichtonIn science, the old men are usually wrong. But in politics, the old men are wise, counsel caution, and in the end are often right.
Michael CrichtonHuman beings are so destructive. I sometimes think we're a kind of plague, that will scrub the earth clean. We destroy things so well that I sometimes think, maybe that's our function. Maybe every few eons, some animal comes along that kills off the rest of the world, clears the decks, and lets evolution proceed to its next phase.
Michael Crichton