If she were religious, she would call it the soul. It is more than the sum of her intellect and her emotions, more than the sum of her experiences, though it runs like veins of brilliant metal through all three. It is an inner faculty that recognizes the animating mysteries of the world because it is made of the same substance
Michael CunninghamI was not ladylike, nor was I manly. I was something else altogether. There were so many different ways to be beautiful.
Michael CunninghamThe lives great artists live and the books they write are two very different things.
Michael CunninghamBut there are still the hours, aren't there? One and then another, and you get through that one and then, my god, there's another.
Michael CunninghamAt the risk, then, of being shunned by some of my gloomier peers, I venture to tell you that writers work like demons, suffer greatly, and are also happy, in unmistakable ways, some of the time. If we had no knowledge of happiness, our novels wouldn't sufficiently resemble real life. Some of us are even made a little bit happy, on occasion, by the writing process itself. I mean, really, if there wasn't some sort of enjoyment to be derived, would any of us keep doing it?
Michael Cunningham