Congress has funded numerous programs to provide care and compensation to 9/11 victims, spending several billion dollars on extraordinary and unprecedented efforts.
Michael EnziI used to be a retailer, and I find it discouraging when somebody comes in and they pick something up and they say, 'Now if you'll sell it to me without the sales tax, I'll buy it.
Michael EnziEvery government program needs to be more efficient. Instead of pointing out how other programs can tighten their belts, every program administrator must look inward to save money.
Michael EnziPraying can make a difference, and it is up to all of us to try that, with faith, and see if it will not support these admirable troops, their spouses, and their families.
Michael EnziRonald Reagan is the closest thing [to the strong conservative] we have.He said that we shouldn't spend money we don't have, and he said that the government shouldn't get involved in things that it's not very good at doing.
Michael EnziIn the past six months, our federal government has devised a dozen strategies to save America's financial markets. Each plan has been more costly, more risky, and less aligned with the principles of our country's free market economy than the last. I am disappointed to say that this latest plan puts all the rest of them to shame.
Michael Enzi