You can't micromanage. People who try to do that often fall on their faces. Incentivize those who work with you so you get the best work you can. Every career is a team effort, even if you're the one in front.
Michael FranzeseThere are ways you can find people to help you market your company on the Internet. If you have the right people helping you, you can get the word out. Newspaper and TV ads are expensive. If you can get the word out through social media, that's a big advantage.
Michael FranzeseGod has a purpose and plan for your life and nothing can stand in the way of it - except you. Are you ready to listen? It's time to stand up and be bold for Jesus.
Michael FranzeseI say, "This is my objective" and when I stick to it, I succeed. When I deviate, I'm in trouble. Do what you do best and delegate the rest. There are things I do better than others, and there are things I'm horrible at and I delegate those.
Michael FranzeseUnlike stocks, where in our country, you go to sleep, everyone tells you everything is wonderful, you wake up and everything is gone.
Michael FranzeseI'm the strongest advocate you can imagine for doing things honestly and paying your taxes. Take advantage of every tax break you're legally entitled to. But I follow the letter of the law, because the consequences are severe if you're caught. I was a perpetrator at one time and suffered severe consequences. It is difficult in some places, but if you live in places like California, move somewhere else to save some money.
Michael Franzese