No one will be offended if we tell them that they are good people who could be a little better. The offense comes when we tell them that they - and we - are ungodly people who cannot impress God or escape his tribunal. Until our preaching of the law has exposed our hearts and God's holiness at that profound level, our hearers will never flee to Christ alone for safety even if they come to us for advice.
Michael HortonExcellence is being thwarted not only by laziness but by reckless attachment to causes, programs, and - in some cases, leaders.
Michael HortonOnce we truly grasp the message of the New Testament, it is impossible to read the Old Testament again without seeing Christ on every page, in every story, foreshadowed or anticipated in every event and narrative. The Bible must be read as a whole, beginning with Genesis and ending with Revelation, letting promise and fulfillment guide or expectations for what we will find there.
Michael HortonWe need more Christians who take their place alongside believing and unbelieving neighbors in the daily gift exchange
Michael Horton