Governments create money and spend it into the economy by running budget deficits. The paper currency in your pocket is technically a government debt.
Michael HudsonA derivative is a bet on whether a stock, or a bond or a real estate asset, is going to go up or down. There's a winner and a loser. It's like betting on a horserace.
Michael HudsonLook at Ukraine. Its currency, the hernia, is plunging. The euro is really in a problem. Greece is problematic as to whether it can pay the IMF, which is threatening not to be part of the troika with the European Central Bank and the European Union making more loans to enable Greece to pay the bondholders and the banks. Britain is having a referendum as to whether to withdraw from the European Union, and it looks more and more like it may do so. So the world's politics are in turmoil.
Michael HudsonMost of the European leaders look at themselves as having to follow the United States, because if the US opposes them, there will be a regime change.
Michael Hudson