Frightening media messages...pervade the news business, which really ought to be called "the bad news business" for its preoccupation with disaster and destruction. In broadcast journalism, killing is almost always covered, while kindness is almost always ignored. The more alarming a news item is, the more attention it receives.
Michael MedvedWe spend too much time fretting over the way the industry produces programming, and too little worrying about the way the public consumes it
Michael MedvedHollywood's persistent hostility to religious values is not just peculiar, it is positively pathological.
Michael MedvedSavvy observers occasionally note television's resemblance to the weather: Everybody loves to complain about it, but nobody can do anything to fix it.
Michael MedvedThe distortions and insults about organized religion will continue unabated as long as our popular culture continues its overall campaign against judgment and values. A war against standards leads logically and inevitably to hostility to religion because it is religious faith that provides the ultimate basis for all standards.
Michael Medved