As Enlightenment philosophers and scholars consciously adopted the methods of science to establish such abstract concepts as rights, liberty, and justice, successive generations have become schooled in thinking of these abstractions as applied to others in matrices-like mental rotations.
Michael Shermer...evolution is not a religious tenet, to which one swears allegiance or belief as a matter of faith.. It is a factual reality of the empirical world. Just as one would not say 'I believe in gravity," one should not proclaim 'I believe in evolution.
Michael ShermerAccepting evolution does not force us to jettison our morals and ethics, and rejecting evolution does not ensure their constancy.
Michael ShermerRationality tied to moral decency is the most powerful joint instrument for good that our planet has ever known.
Michael ShermerWhen alien abductees recount to me their stories, I do not deny that they had a real experience.
Michael Shermer