An artist doesn't depend upon inspiration or have to have it. An artist doesn't depend on mood, certainly not if you're earning your living with it. One of the definitions of a professional is you can do some writing if you have to, even in the most extreme situations.
Michael VenturaThere are writers I know and respect who are very good about what's outside, and not too hot about what's inside.
Michael VenturaIt may be that it is not given to us to know when we are angels. We may only be given to know when others are. This may be one of the reasons we need each other so.
Michael VenturaCourage can't make you an artist, but without that courage, you won't remain one for long. First is the courage to be alone in the room where you create, and the courage to face that indefinitely, with no one to say if you are any good or not. Then, there is the courage to follow your work wherever it's going to take you. And the courage to fight for your work.
Michael Ventura