If these Essays were worthy of being judged, it might fall out, in my opinion, that they would not find much favour, either with common and vulgar minds, or with uncommon and eminent ones: the former would not find enough in them, the latter would find too much; they might manage to live somewhere in the middle region.
Michel de MontaigneIt is an absolute perfection... to get the very most out of one's individuality.
Michel de MontaigneEvery period of life has its peculiar prejudices; whoever saw old age, that did not applaud the past, and condemn the present times?
Michel de MontaigneThe utility of living consists not in the length of days, but in the use of time; a man may have lived long, and yet lived but a little.
Michel de MontaigneWisdom is a solid and entire building, of which every piece keeps its place and bears its mark.
Michel de Montaigne