All opinions in the world agree in this, that pleasure is our end, although they differ as to the means of attaining it.
Michel de MontaigneI prefer the company of peasants because they have not been educated sufficiently to reason incorrectly.
Michel de MontaigneThus we should beware of clinging to vulgar opinions, and judge things by reason's way, not by popular say.
Michel de MontaigneFor truth itself does not have the privilege to be employed at any time and in every way; its use, noble as it is, has its circumscriptions and limits.
Michel de MontaigneWe cannot be held to what is beyond our strength and means; for at times the accomplishment and execution may not be in our power, and indeed there is nothing really in our own power except the will: on this are necessarily based and founded all the principles that regulate the duty of man.
Michel de Montaigne