What a wonderful thing it is that drop of seed, from which we are produced, bears in itself the impressions, not only of the bodily shape, but of the thoughts and inclinations of our fathers!
Michel de MontaigneA person is bound to lose when he talks about himself; if he belittles himself, he is believed; if he praises himself, he isn't believed.
Michel de MontaigneBusiness in a certain sort of men is a mark of understanding, and they are honored for it. Their souls seek repose in agitation, as children do by being rocked in a cradle. They may pronounce themselves as serviceable to their friends as troublesome to themselves. No one distributes his money to others, but every one therein distributes his time and his life. There is nothing of which we are so prodigal as of those two things, of which to be thrifty would be both commendable and useful.
Michel de MontaigneThere is no doubt that Greek and Latin are great and handsome ornaments, but we buy them too dear.
Michel de Montaigne