Let us a little permit nature to take her own way; she better understands her own affairs than we.
Michel de MontaigneA man must keep a little back shop where he can be himself without reserve. In solitude alone can he know true freedom.
Michel de MontaigneWhat harm cause not those huge draughts or pictures which wanton youth with chalk or coals draw in each passage, wall or stairs of our great houses, whence a cruel contempt of our natural store is bred in them?
Michel de MontaigneMen do not know the natural infirmity of their mind: it does nothing but ferret and quest, and keeps incessantly whirling around, building up and becoming entangled in its own work, like silkworms, and is suffocated in it. A mouse in a pitch barrel...thinks it notices from a distance some sort of glimmer of imaginary light and truth; but while running toward it, it is crossed by so many difficulties and obstacles, and diverted by so many new quests, that it strays from the road, bewildered.
Michel de Montaigne