We cannot be held to what is beyond our strength and means; for at times the accomplishment and execution may not be in our power, and indeed there is nothing really in our own power except the will: on this are necessarily based and founded all the principles that regulate the duty of man.
Michel de MontaigneThe good, supreme, divine poetry is above the rules and reason. Whoever discerns its beauty with a firm, sedate gaze does not see it, any more than he sees the splendor of a lightning flash. It does not persuade our judgement, it ravishes and overwhelms it.
Michel de MontaigneA good marriage (if any there be) refuses the conditions of love and endeavors to present those of amity.
Michel de MontaignePersons of mean understandings, not so inquisitive, nor so well instructed, are made good Christians, and by reverence and obedience, implicity believe, and abide by their belief.
Michel de MontaigneIf there is such a thing as a good marriage, it is because it resembles friendship rather than love.
Michel de Montaigne