We need to have profound compassion for the people who are dealing with the very real issue of sexual dysfunction in their life, and sexual identity disorders. This is a very real issue. It's not funny, it's sad. Any of you who have members of your family that are in the lifestyle-we have a member of our family that is. This is not funny. It's a very sad life. It's part of Satan, I think, to say this is gay. It's anything but gay.
Michele BachmannWe need one strong hombre or hombre-ette, and I'm the hombre-ette to go and stand for you in Washington DC.
Michele BachmannOur nation needs to stop doing for people what they can and should do for themselves. Self reliance means, if anyone will not work, neither should he eat.
Michele BachmannVery effective way to do this with a bunch of second graders, is take a picture of The Lion King for instance, and a teacher might say, 'Do you know that the music for this movie was written by a gay man?' The message is: I'm better at what I do, because I'm gay.
Michele Bachmann