To discover that you can paint without special talent is a great revelation. An endless stream runs through you, enough to paint for lifetimes. Talent is universal. You can dip into that source to your heart's content. Everyone is good at what comes to them spontaneously. If nothing is put in your way, talent will meet you there.
Michele CassouWhen you set aside the mantle of control in the painting process, images arise from ancient layers of the psyche.
Michele CassouLook upon paintings with eyes of mystery rather than judgement. Support the need to enter into the sacred space beyond evaluation.
Michele CassouWhat I want people to realize is that there is enough inside them, that everything that they really need in order to feel a sense of aliveness and creativity is already inside. And not only is it inside them, but if they allow it they will have an interesting life.
Michele CassouPainting for process is the visual equivalent of journal writing, done not for the sake of being seen or published, but purely for the telling itself.
Michele CassouIntuition comes from the whole person, from a place that includes the conscious and the unconscious. The total result of all feelings and perceptions manifests spontaneously through intuition. Intuition gives expression to the feelings; that expression is unique and perfectly fitted to the needs of the moment.
Michele Cassou