I think the fascinating - several different pieces of the [Donald] Trump psyche revealed by what happened today and one of them is this decision not to hold more fundraisers.
Michelle Goldberg[People] assume that there must be something to [Donald Trump] grandiose self-presentation, because who could be a con man on that big of a scale?
Michelle GoldbergThat most people will not accept the fact that you are - and who was it that said that eventually Donald Trump is going to go on television and insists he never ran for president?
Michelle GoldbergHow can arguments based on fact prevail in a nation where so many people know so little?
Michelle GoldbergAlthough, my guess is that what Donald Trump will do tonight is to try to thread that needle by kind of softening his policy position or maybe just the questions about what you do with those 11 million, while getting tough on criminal migrants.
Michelle GoldbergI think this is why the practice is such a comfort to secular urbanites like me-it's a technique, not a faith. You don't have to believe in anything, even yoga itself, to find joy and solace in the conscious joining of breath and movement, or relief in slowing the whirling of the mind. You just have to do it.
Michelle Goldberg