House GOP Leader John Boehner on Monday rightly sounded the alarm over billions in stimulus tax dollars that could potentially go to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). But the Republican leadership has only scratched the surface over what amounts to a bottomless slush fund for a bigger coalition of housing entitlement thugs.
Michelle MalkinHouse GOP Leader John Boehner on Monday rightly sounded the alarm over billions in stimulus tax dollars that could potentially go to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN). But the Republican leadership has only scratched the surface over what amounts to a bottomless slush fund for a bigger coalition of housing entitlement thugs.
Michelle MalkinIf you aren't creeped out by the No Birth Control Left Behind rhetoric of the White House and Planned Parenthood, you aren't listening closely enough. The anesthetic of progressive benevolence always dulls the senses. Wake up.
Michelle MalkinIn the 1970s, 'The Boys on the Bus' exposed how a clubby pack of male political reporters ruled the road to the White House and shaped the news. Four decades later, an outsider gal from Alaska has commandeered the 2012 media bus - and left Beltway journalism insiders eating her dust.
Michelle MalkinLet me sum up in two words how the unhinged Left copes with the threat of global jihad: "Kill Bush!"
Michelle MalkinProgressive feminists have shown nothing but the most reflexive, regressive contempt for women on the other side of the ideological aisle. It doesnโt matter if youโre a conservative stay at home mom, work at home mom, or work outside the home mom. If youโre Right, the Left is gonna hate.
Michelle Malkin