Everywhere I go on the campaign trail, I meet voters with a real thirst for a healthy discussion of the issues. Ultimately, people don't care whether an issue comes from the left or the right. What they want to talk about are ideas that lift America up and make us better. It's what I call 'Vertical Politics'.
Mike HuckabeeThe more that all of the external things began to materialize, the less the internal things began to crystallize.
Mike HuckabeePeople who are tired of K Street corruption and Wall Street greed are ready for Main Street Values.
Mike HuckabeeNow, many Americans fear that China might grow too strong ... I'm more worried that America might be getting too weak. It's not bad for the United States if other nations have a strong economy. One fewer hungry-mouthed country wanting us to take care of it and its people is great news. If they have money, maybe they will buy the things we innovate and make.
Mike Huckabee