People go to church for the same reasons they go to a tavern: to stupefy themselves, to forget their misery, to imagine themselves, for a few minutes anyway, free and happy.
Mikhail BakuninThe organization of society is always and everywhere the unique cause of the crimes committed by individuals.
Mikhail BakuninA person is strong only when he stands upon his own truth, when he speaks and acts with his deepest convictions. Then, whatever the situation he may be in, he always knows what he must say and do. He may fall, but he cannot bring shame upon himself or his cause. If we seek the liberation of the people by means of a lie, we will surely grow confused, go astray, and loose sight of our objective, and if we have any influence at all on the people we will lead them astray as well - in other words, we will be acting in the spirit of reaction and to its benefit.
Mikhail BakuninTheology created the fiction of Satan which represents the revolt if an infinite being against the existence of an absolute infinity, against God.
Mikhail Bakunin