capital is the result of saving, and not of spending. The spendthrift who wastes his substance in riotous living decreases the capital of the country, and therefore the excuse often made for extravagance, that it is good for trade, is based upon false notions respecting capital.
Millicent FawcettWhat is true of Mr. Mill's influence on the women's-suffrage question is true also of the other political movements in which he took an active interest.
Millicent FawcettThere is little doubt that the majority of Mr. Mills supporters in 1865 did not know what his political opinions were, and that they voted for him simply on his reputation as a great thinker.
Millicent FawcettThere are many excuses for the person who made the mistake of confounding money and wealth. Like many others they mistook the sign for the thing signified.
Millicent Fawcett