America has spent too long interfering oversees in too many other people's wars, and too much other stuff.
Milo YiannopoulosThe government does a lot of stuff that it shouldn't do - the Department of Education, for instance.
Milo YiannopoulosHate speech it seems to be is been defined by the political left as anything we don't like, anything that violates social justice doctrines, feminism, Black Lives Matter kind of ideology. It is not something that I have ever heard particularly effectively defined.
Milo YiannopoulosRacial, globalist free markets hasn't worked for everybody in America - hasn't worked for at least the white working, or lower middle class in America don't perceive that it has worked very well for them. It hasn't served everybody, and a bit of protectionism - for many American voters - seems like quite an attractive thing.
Milo Yiannopoulos