America's got to take a break from foreign wars, and take a break from immigration.
Milo YiannopoulosAll I care about is free speech and free expression; I want people to be able to be, do, and say anything.
Milo YiannopoulosThere are some fringe factions of the alt-right that have demonstrated genuinely racist, anti-Semitic, and prejudiced leanings. They clearly don't want a Jewish, homosexual, black-d - - supremacist as a spokesman. And I don't want to be associated with them, either.
Milo YiannopoulosHate speech it seems to be is been defined by the political left as anything we don't like, anything that violates social justice doctrines, feminism, Black Lives Matter kind of ideology. It is not something that I have ever heard particularly effectively defined.
Milo Yiannopoulos