To the free man, the country is the collection of individuals who compose it, not something over and above them.
Milton FriedmanGermany's problem, in part, is that it went into the euro at the wrong exchange rate that overvalued the deutsche mark.
Milton FriedmanThe only relevant test of the validity of a hypothesis is comparison of prediction with experience.
Milton FriedmanChina has seen a great deal of economic progress. It's certainly rather of a miracle. The growing role of the market in the economy will force China to open up its political system over time and to move toward a more democratic society. So taken as a whole, the one real failure in this whole business has been Russia.
Milton FriedmanThe unions might be good for the people who are in the unions but it doesn't do a thing for the people who are unemployed. Because the union keeps down the number of jobs, it doesn't do a thing for them.
Milton FriedmanKeynes was a great economist. In every discipline, progress comes from people who make hypotheses, most of which turn out to be wrong, but all of which ultimately point to the right answer. Now Keynes, in 'The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money,' set forth a hypothesis which was a beautiful one, and it really altered the shape of economics. But it turned out that it was a wrong hypothesis. That doesn't mean that he wasn't a great man!
Milton Friedman