What does it mean to say that government might have a responsibility? Government can't have a responsibility any more than the business can. The only entities which can have responsibilities are people.
Milton FriedmanThe Great Depression in the United States, far from being a sign of the inherent instability of the private enterprise system, is a testament to how much harm can be done by mistakes on the part of a few men when they wield vast power over the monetary system of the country.
Milton FriedmanCongress can raise taxes because it can persuade a sizable fraction of the populace that somebody else will pay
Milton FriedmanEconomics has become increasingly an arcane branch of mathematics rather than dealing with real economic problems.
Milton FriedmanThe important issue is not how much inequality there is but how much opportunity there is for individuals to get out of the bottom classes and into the top. If there is enough movement upward, people will accept the efficiency of the markets. If you have opportunity, there is a great tolerance for inequality. That has been the saving grace of the American system.
Milton Friedman