I really like when people do 'stream of consciousness' tweeting, or when people's tweets come across as sort of manic and mostly unedited.
Mira GonzalezI enjoy twitter accounts that are meticulously edited just as much as I enjoy twitter accounts that aren't edited at all, but it can feel kind of disappointing to me when I see that someone is editing their tweets out of self-consciousness.
Mira GonzalezTo me, Twitter often feels like shouting things into a two-way mirror that I know has people behind it, maybe even people I know, and they are definitely listening, but mostly remain perfectly silent.
Mira GonzalezIt feels intimate and life affirming to me when someone tweets things that appear to just be insane thoughts they had and typed out then tweeted immediately, with little or no regard for how others might perceive them, simply because they were in a state of emotional desperation and felt like they didn't want to express those thoughts to anyone else.
Mira Gonzalez