More is spent in a single month [in the U.S.] fighting the war on drugs than all monies ever expended domestically or internationally fighting slavery from its inception. Per month, we spend more on the drug war than we ever have trying to free slaves.
Mira SorvinoThere's a side of my personality that goes completely against the educated & serious woman. The side who wants to be a pin-up girl in garages all across America!
Mira SorvinoOne of the hugest ways that will make an impact, which is only in its infancy right now, is corporate accountability. Consumers at the buying point saying, 'Can you certify to me that this product is slavery-free?' And most cannot right now.
Mira SorvinoNow that I've got some films under my belt, I have the courage of my convictions regarding acting. It gives me a leg to stand on.
Mira SorvinoI'm doing things that are more artistic again, more close to the material that I love. I don't disparage those things that I did. They're just not as much reflective of who I am.
Mira SorvinoNo, this is not what a fair God would do. And why does it not say anywhere in the Bible that slavery is wrong? It only says that you should treat your slaves well. Well, I don't care if you treat them well. How is it possible that it is not immoral to own another person? Why isn't that one of the Ten Commandments? 'Thou shalt not own another person.' You want to sit here and tell me that fornication is worse than owning someone?
Mira Sorvino