With our last album ("No Time To Bleed"), we recorded most of it in New Jersey. And with being on the road 9 months a year, recording an album on the other side of the country- it just wasn't a good experience for us. All I wanted to do was go home and see my daughter, so for us to only be a couple hours away was huge- I could go home if I needed to.
Mitch LuckerIn 2008, we had barely put our first album out and a lot of people were unsure about us on that tour. But the crowds were insane to say the least.
Mitch LuckerThere're people all over the world that have access to Suicide Silence because of the internet and everyone that listens to you has a better chance to paying to see you play.
Mitch LuckerThis time, we went up to Big Bear for 3-4 weeks and sequestered ourselves writing this album [ "The Black Crown"].
Mitch LuckerWe all just meet up and someone's house or the studio and we'll just jam and we'll lock into something that sounds cool. I'll go home with tracks of cool parts and work on words. Everyone in the band has a job to do and everyone knows their job and we all do it really well. So, when we're writing, we can just look at one another and say, 'OK, go write this part'. It's not just one person writing or producing everything - everyone's working to product what we have.
Mitch Lucker