If a society takes it upon itself to prescribe and proscribe certain streams of belief - to prohibit certain less-favored strains of conscience - it may be the non-believer who is among the first to be condemned. A coercive monopoly of belief threatens everyone, whether we are talking about those who search the philosophies of men or follow the words of God.
Mitt RomneyRepublicans should never abandon pro-growth conservative principles in an effort to embrace the ideas of Al Gore.
Mitt RomneyIt's not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person.
Mitt RomneyIf we become one of those societies that attack success, why not come as certain there will be a lot less success? And that's not who we are.
Mitt RomneyChristianity is not the faith of the complacent, the comfortable or of the timid. It demands and creates heroic souls like Wesley, Wilberforce, Bonhoeffer, John Paul the Second, and Billy Graham. Each showed, in their own way, the relentless and powerful influence of the message of Jesus Christ.
Mitt Romney