The only reason a warrior is alive is to fight, and the only reason a warrior fights is to win
Miyamoto MusashiWhen in a fight to the death, one wants to employ all one's weapons to the utmost. I must say that to die with one's sword still sheathed is most regrettable.
Miyamoto MusashiUnless you really understand others, you can hardly attain your own self-understanding.
Miyamoto MusashiAs the innocent infant relies upon the mother for sustenance, so the innocent wanderer, following his native compassion and bliss, relies upon the natural intelligence of life to sustain him. There are various Ways. There is the Way of salvation by the law of Buddha, the Way of Confucius governing the Way of learning, the Way of healing as a doctor, as a poet teaching the Way of Waka, tea, archery, and many arts and skills. Each man practices as he feels inclined.
Miyamoto Musashi