We Americans love original ideas. But truly, there are already plenty of good ones out there, ours for the taking. If I were too proud to copy the ideas of others, I likely wouldnt have even a fraction of my current success.
Mohnish PabraiThe good news in investing is there are no HR problems. If there are no humans, there are no problems!
Mohnish PabraiThe problem most nonprofits have is that they are run by romantics who are great to hang out with, but they have no clue.
Mohnish PabraiWall Street sometimes gets confused between risk and uncertainty, and you can profit handsomely from that confusion. The low-risk, high-uncertainty [situation] gives us our most sought after coin-toss odds. Heads, I win; tails, I don't lose much.
Mohnish Pabrai