You can live in the same city your entire life and still be completely a foreigner when you step out, in your old age, onto the street.
Mohsin HamidIf an American teenager were to come to Lahore, they'd have wildly different experiences depending on whom they met. They could party and get drunk and smoke hashish with some, while others would say, "Let's get some religious instruction."
Mohsin HamidIt's in being read that a book becomes a book, and in each of a million different readings a book become one of a million different books . . .
Mohsin HamidWith movement, families get split. With the politicization of religion, spirituality gets diluted. With people intermarrying and falling in love outside of pre-existing defined groups, the tribe is disappearing. I'm not in favor of going back to those things, but you can't take those things away without putting something new in its place. So finding a way to make transience more acceptable, even beautiful is key.
Mohsin Hamid