Time and time again throughout the latter part of the Cold War, liberals chose a morally perverse pose. They would seek to find any suspect motive or impure act on the part of the United States rather than confront the staggering scale of destruction and misery being wrought by our adversaries.
Mona CharenTruth telling is the first building block of character -- a quality that seems to be getting rarer and rarer in all-forgiving America.
Mona CharenThough President Obama was at his smooth and polished best the other night, two aspects of his worldview came into sharper relief - his reflexive hostility toward and misunderstanding of business and his reliable resort to left-wing fables about race relations.
Mona CharenThe child welfare system - devised and run by liberal social workers, psychologists, and judges. . .Treats incompetent or abusive parents as its clients, and only secondarily considers the needs and well-being of the children involved.
Mona CharenOne might have thought that the Cold War's conclusion would have convinced the Left that appeasement of dictators is not profitable.
Mona CharenLiberal hostility to the traditional family helped to undermine centuries of accumulated wisdom and experience about what was best for children and adults. Far from benefiting only men, marriage confers enormous advantages on women and children as well - a fact that has been thrown into sharp relief by its breakdown over the past forty years.
Mona Charen