Everybody ought to be given a chance to do whatever they want, but be responsible for their own actions.
Monty RobertsIt is not good enough to get your horse to do what you want. It is far better to cause your horse to want to do it.
Monty RobertsYou must somehow understand that we as horsemen can do very little to teach the horse. What we can do is to create an environment in which he can learn.
Monty RobertsFor centuries, humans have said to horses, 'You do what I tell you or I'll hurt you.' Humans still say that to each other -- still threaten, force and intimidate. I'm convinced that my discoveries with horses have value in the workplace, in the educational and penal systems, and in the raising of children. At heart, I'm saying that no one else has the right to say 'you must' to an animal -- or to another human.
Monty Roberts