Hamas cannot make peace with the Israelis. That is against what their God tells them. It is impossible to make peace with infidels, only a ceasefire.
Mosab Hassan YousefI asked myself what Palestinians would do if Israel disappeared-if everything not only went back to the way it was before 1948 but if all the Jewish people abandoned the Holy Land and were scattered again. And for the first time, I knew the answer. We would still fight. Over nothing. Over a girl without a head scarf. Over who was toughest and most important. Over who would make the rules and who would get the best seat.
Mosab Hassan YousefMost Muslims don't obey the order of god to kill infidels. This is why I say Muslims have more morality than their god.
Mosab Hassan YousefIslam is not a religion of peace. Islam is a religion of war, and most Muslims don't understand the true nature of Islam.
Mosab Hassan Yousef