Faith is a gift of God. Without it there would be no life. And our work, to be fruitful, and to be all for God, and to be beautiful, has to be built of faith. Faith in Christ who has said, I was hungry, I was naked, I was sick, and I was homeless, and you ministered to me! On these words of His all our work is based.
Mother TeresaKeep your heart pure. A pure heart is necessary to see God in each other. If you see God in each other, there is love for each other, then there is peace.
Mother TeresaWhen I was crossing into Gaza, I was asked at the checkpost whether I was carrying any weapons. I replied: Oh yes, my prayer books.
Mother TeresaGive! Give the love you have received to those around you. You must love with your time, your hands, and your hearts. You need to share all that you have.
Mother Teresa