Anybody who believes in Allah and the Last Day should not harm his neighbor, & should entertain his guest generously.
MuhammadSpeak to people according to the development of their consciousness, for if you speak all things to all people, some cannot understand you and so fall into errors!
MuhammadBeware of injustice, for oppression will be darkness on the Day of Resurrection; and beware of stinginess because it doomed those who were before you. It incited them to shed blood and treat the unlawful as lawful.
MuhammadA man asked Muhammad what was the mark whereby he might know the reality of his faith. Muhammad said, 'If thou derive pleasure from the good which thou hast performed and thou be grieved for the evil which thou hast committed, thou art a true believer.' The man said. 'In what doth a fault really consist' Muhammad said, 'when action pricketh thy conscience, forsake it.'