We should have a State in which we could live and breathe as free men and which we could develop according to our own lights and culture and where principles of Islamic social justice could find free play.
Muhammad Ali JinnahWe have weathered the worst storms and the safety of the shore, though distant, is in sight. We can look to the future with robust confidence provided we do not relax and fritter away our energies in internal dissensions. There never was greater need for discipline and unity in our ranks. It is only with united effort and faith in our destiny that we shall be able to translate the Pakistan of our dreams into reality.
Muhammad Ali JinnahThink 100 times before you take a decision, But once that decision is taken, stand by it as one man.
Muhammad Ali JinnahI insist you to strive. Work, Work and only work for satisfaction with patience, humbleness and serve thy nation.
Muhammad Ali JinnahThe weak and the defenseless in this world invite aggression from others. The best way we can serve peace is by removing the temptation from the path of those who think we are weak and, for that reason, they can bully or attack us. That temptation can only be removed if we make ourselves so strong that nobody dare entertain any aggressive designs against us. Pakistan has come to stay and no power on earth can destroy it
Muhammad Ali Jinnah