But the perception of life as an organic unity is a slow achievement, and depends for its growth on a people's entry into the main current of world-events.
Muhammad IqbalThe spirit of philosophy is one of free inquiry. It suspects all authority. Its function is to trace the uncritical assumptions of human thought to their hiding places, and in this pursuit it may finally end in denial or a frank admission of the incapacity of pure reason to reach the ultimate reality.
Muhammad IqbalBe not entangled in this world of days and nights; Thou hast another time and space as well.
Muhammad IqbalLook at the evils of the world around you and protect yourself from them. Our teachers give all the wrong messages to our youth, since they take away the natural flare from the soul. Take it from me that all knowledge is useless until it is connected with your life, because the purpose of knowledge is nothing but to show you the splendors of yourself!
Muhammad Iqbal