The wood-carver can fashion whatever he will. Yet his products are but toys of the moment, to be glanced at in jest, not fashioned according to any precept or law. When times change, the carver too will change his style and make new trifles to hit the fancy of the passing day. But there is another kind of artist, who sets more soberly about his work, striving to give real beauty to the things which men actually use and to give to them the shape which tradition has ordained. This maker of real things must not for a moment be confused with the maker of idle toys.
Murasaki ShikibuThe memories of long love gather like drifting snow, poignant as the mandarin ducks who float side by side in sleep.
Murasaki ShikibuA night of endless dreams, inconsequent and wild, is this my life; none more worth telling than the rest.
Murasaki ShikibuWho has told you that the fruit belies the flower? For the fruit you have not tasted, and the flower you know but by report.
Murasaki ShikibuStepmothers in books usually behave very spitefully towards the children entrusted to them. But he was now learning by his own experience that in real life this does not always happen.
Murasaki ShikibuSome ... have imagined that by arousing a baseless suspicion in the mind of the beloved we can revive a waning devotion. But this experiment is very dangerous. Those who recommend it are confident that so long as resentment is groundless one need only suffer it in silence and all will soon be well. I have observed however that this is by no means the case.
Murasaki Shikibu