I thought: pity the poor in spirit who know neither the enchantment nor the beauty of language.
Muriel BarberyI know that they're all unhappy because nobody loves the right person the way they should and because they don't understand that it's really their own self that they're mad at.
Muriel Barberyshocked to realize how much vitality is required simply to support our primitive requirements, we wonder, bewildered, where Art fits in.
Muriel BarberyPersonally I think that grammar is a way to attain Beauty. When you speak, or read, or write, you can tell if you've spoken or read or written a fine sentence. You can recognise a well-tuned phrase or an elegant style. But when you are applying the rules of grammar skilfully, you ascend to another level of the beauty of language. When you use grammar you peel back the layers, to see how it is all put together, to see it quite naked, in a way.
Muriel Barbery