What makes the strength of a soldier isn't the energy he uses trying to intimidate the other guy by sending him a whole lot of signals, it's the strength he's able to concentrate within himself, by staying centered.
Muriel BarberyWhat is an aristocrat? A woman who is never sullied by vulgarity, although she may be surrounded by it.
Muriel Barberyshocked to realize how much vitality is required simply to support our primitive requirements, we wonder, bewildered, where Art fits in.
Muriel BarberySome people are incapable of perceiving in the object of their contemplation the very thing that gives it its intrinsic life and breath, and they spend their entire lives conversing about mankind as if they were robots, and about things as though they have no soul and must be reduced to what can be said about them - all at the whim of their own subjective inspiration.
Muriel Barbery