It is particularly odd that economists who profess to be champions of a free-market economy, should go to such twists and turns to avoid facing the plain fact: that gold, that scarce and valuable market-produced metal, has always been, and will continue to be, by far the best money for human society.
Murray RothbardThe great non sequitur committed by defenders of the State, is to leap from the necessity of society to the necessity of the State.
Murray RothbardThe necessary consequence of an egalitarian program is the decidedly inegalitarian creation of a ruthless power elite.
Murray RothbardThe policy of letting the child 'do what he likes' is an insidious one, since the children are encouraged to continue always at their original superficial level, without receiving guidance in study. Furthermore, the 'three Rs,' the fundamental tools, are neglected as long as possible, with the result that the child's chance to develop his mind is greatly retarded. The policy of teaching words via pictures instead of by the alphabet tends to deprive the young child of the greatest reasoning tool of all.
Murray Rothbard