Kissinger's major, and most lucrative role, has come as head of Kissinger Associates in New York City, founded on a loan obtained in 1982 from the international banking firm of E.M. Warburg, Pincus and Company. Nominally, Kissinger Associates (KA) is an "international consulting firm" but "consultant" covers many sins, and in KA's case, this means international political influence-peddling for its two dozen or so important corporate clients.
Murray RothbardThe fundamental axiom, then, for the study of man is the existence of individual consciousness
Murray RothbardInstead of a bumbling and inefficient tool of society, the radical [libertarian] sees the State itself, in its very nature, as coercive, exploitative, parasitic, and hence profoundly antisocial. The State is, and always has been, the great single enemy of the human race, its liberty, happiness, and progress.
Murray RothbardIf we look around, then, at the crucial problem areas of our society - the areas of crisis and failure - we find in each and every case a โred threadโ marking and uniting them all: the thread of government. In every one of these cases, government either has totally run or heavily influenced the activity.
Murray RothbardLibertarians regard the state as the Supreme, the eternal, the best organized aggressor against the persons and property of the mass of the public. All states everywhere, whether democratic, dictatorial, or monarchical, whether red, white, blue or brown.
Murray Rothbard