Worship will never end; whether there be buildings, they will crumble; whether there be committees, they will fall asleep; whether there be budgets, they will add up to nothing. For we build for the present age, we discuss for the present age, and we pay for the present age; but when the age to come is here, the present age will be done away.
N. T. WrightTolerance is a cheap, low-grade parody of love. Tolerance is not a great virtue to aspire to. Love is much tougher and harder.
N. T. WrightPeople often get upset when you teach them what is in the Bible rather than what they presume is in the Bible.
N. T. WrightAlmost all the early Christian Fathers were opposed to the death penalty, even though it was of course standard practice across the ancient world.
N. T. Wright