Made for spirituality, we wallow in introspection. Made for joy, we settle for pleasure. Made for justice, we clamor for vengeance.
N. T. WrightWhen Jerusalem is destroyed, and Jesus' people escape from the ruin just in time, that will be YHWH becoming king, bringing about the liberation of his true covenant people, the true return from exile, the beginning of the new world order
N. T. WrightI accept the historical challenge, and with that, I accept the essentially Christian position that God always has more light to break out of his holy Word.
N. T. WrightOften people see doctrines as a checklist. Here are the following nineteen truths which you've got to believe to be a good sound Christian.
N. T. WrightAgain and again the Sermon on the Mount calls and challenges us to a life of radical discipleship. Note: when Jesus says 'Blessed are the . . . . merciful, peacmakers', and so on, he doesn't just mean that they themselves are blessed. He means that the blessing of God's kingdom works precisely through those people into the wider world. That is how God's kingdom comes. That's one thing to hear afresh.
N. T. Wright