a writer doesn't only need the time when he's actually writing - he or she has got to have time to think and time just to let things work out. Nothing is worse for this than society. Nothing is worse for this than the abrasive, if enjoyable, effect of other people.
Nadine GordimerRebirth. I mean by this simply what happens when the child begins to realise the fact that the black does not enter through the whiteโs front door is not in the same category as the fact that the dead will never come back.
Nadine GordimerYou can't change a regime on the basis of compassion. There's got to be something harder.
Nadine GordimerWhere do whites fit in the New Africa? Nowhere, I'm inclined to sayand I do believe that it is true that even the gentlest and most westernised Africans would like the emotional idea of the continent entirely without the complication of the presence of the white man for a generation or two. But nowhere, as an answer for us whites, is in the same category as remarks like What's the use of living? in the face of the threat of atomic radiation. We are living; we are in Africa.
Nadine Gordimer