the large black slugs ... come out at dusk. Enormous slugs. As big as crocodiles. So huge we need a gun to shoot them. And by the end of the summer, if they go on growing, we shall have to go out in pairs together for protection.
Nan Fairbrotherhappiness makes us older, less romantic, less in need of dreams. Discontent, not happiness, is the food of youth and poetry.
Nan FairbrotherOne of the many possible divisions of human beings is into those who make and those who use.
Nan FairbrotherThe hardest of all is learning to be a well of affection, and not a fountain, to show them that we love them, not when we feel like it, but when they do.
Nan Fairbrotherwhen people go away, or when we leave the places we love, or something we treasure goes out of our life - I have always noticed that before it happens - this leaving, this parting - when we think about it beforehand we are overwhelmed with sadness at the loss to come. ... the most unbearable sense of loss, the worst homesickness of all, so I have found, is this loss and sickness we feel beforehand, before we ever leave home.
Nan Fairbrother