O God, make us desperate, and grant us faith and boldness to approach Your throne and make our petitions known, knowing that in doing we link arms with Omnipotence and become instruments of Your eternal purposes being fulfilled on this earth.
Nancy Leigh DeMossMark it downโyour progress in holiness will never exceed your relationship with the holy Word of God.
Nancy Leigh DeMossThe Truth is that contentment is not found in having everything we think we want but in choosing to be satisfied with what God has already provided. The Truth is that those who insist on having their own way often end up with unnecessary heartache, while those who wait on the Lord always get His best.
Nancy Leigh DeMossI am convinced that the influence of an army of godly women will be incalculable--in our homes, our churches, and our culture. Will you be one of those women?
Nancy Leigh DeMoss