Brokenness is the STRIPPING OF SELF-RELIANCE AND INDEPENDENCE FROM GOD...but he is cast in total dependence upon the grace of God working in and through him.
Nancy Leigh DeMossThe more we hold on to our hurts, anger and bitterness, the more we become slaves to unforgiveness.
Nancy Leigh DeMossBeing disconnected from the local church, for whatever reason, is a dangerous way to live. Not only do these โ lone rangersโ miss out on the blessings of functioning within the context of the body of Christ, but like lone sheep away from the safety of the flock and the watchful care of the shepherd, they are vulnerable to predators of every sort.
Nancy Leigh DeMossGod hates it when we stir up strife, disloyalty, or contention among His people. It may happen in the church, but donโt you be a part of it. Donโt do it. Pray, ask the Lord to make you a peacemaker, and ask the Lord to show you how you can minister support and encouragement to the spiritual leaders of your church.
Nancy Leigh DeMoss