I love to post behind-the-scenes photos of what is really going on. My twitter friends really seem to like that and the great thing is I can deliver them information right away.
Nancy O'DellBreastfeeding is the best diet. I want to eat healthy for her, so it's easy to say no to pizza.
Nancy O'DellWhen you save book reports, art projects and put them in a scrapbook, it shows a kid you care and you are taking an interest in their lives.
Nancy O'DellI started bettysbattle.org, which is a charity in honor of my mom, associated with the Muscular Dystrophy Association, a charity that is near and dear to my heart. We turned to them for resources and information. They were there for us every step of the way, from the day that Mom was diagnosed. I formed a charity in honor of my mom and them. I'm the national ALS ambassador for MDA. I do their telethon every year.
Nancy O'Dell